The witchcraft spirits, marine spirits, the familiar spirits and demonic forces are in league they cannot go away when the door is open for them to come in, they will use everything in the underground world to subdue your spirit, they will take everything in your life to get you to save their master the Devil.
Without submitting to God Almighty but seeks to spoil all God has for man to enjoy in this world in peace.
In the real world witchcraft is simply a network with evil spirit to carry out wicked desire, is the use of Satanic weapons to cause evil to others to steal from them and to punish them for refusing or not refusing, they will hurt you for is in their nature to do so or die.
Witchcraft is the use of demonic power to subdue another and to harm the innocent and to take what does not belong to them by force .
Witchcraft will use everything in the devils kingdom to subdue and kill all true believers of God.
The witches fight day and night to destroy the chances of human being fulfilling their divine destiny on this world .
Witchcraft and demonic entities will continues relentlessly to torment and oppressed, even to affect you with madness, just to kill you, if they can’t kill you, they will destroy your things, I mean physical things and spiritual things.
Satanic instruments are employed in all their activities, and witchcraft uses devices and merger, a unification method of spirits to attack the common man.
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